Discover How To 7X YOUR wealth in the shortest time possible! - BY TAPPING INTO THis "Secret frequency" now!
Hey my friend, it’s Nathan.
I want to personally congratulate you for purchasing the Astral Manifestation system!
Please do not skip this step!
Because to reward you for making this wise choice, I have some GOOD NEWS for you!
However, if you close this page, it will be gone FOREVER.
So stay with me for the next couple of minutes and 3 months from now, you’ll be so glad that you took this step.
You see, there are two types of people in the world.
Those who settle for just having manifested a couple of things.
Those who continue to manifest increasing amounts of money for the rest of their lives on auto-pilot!
Do you want to know HOW to be in the second group?
Even better, do it 7 times faster than the average person?
If so, stay until the end of this letter.
And you will discover the “difference that makes ALL the difference."
You see, after creating Astral Manifestation, I continued to study the top 1% richest people of the past and present…
I realized that they all have one thing in common.
Their “wealth frequency" is set a very high point.
To put it simply,
Imagine that you are inside a room.
You turn on the heater and the temperature now becomes 77 Fahrenheit.
What happens when you turn it off?
The temperature begins to drop back to it’s original state.
The same goes when it comes to your “Wealth Frequency”.
Everyone has a preset “frequency” when it comes to money and success.
If their "frequency" is set at the thousands mark, then attracting millions of dollars will not only be difficult for them, it’s going to take a much longer time.
But if their frequency is set at the millions, they can easily attract it into their lives effortlessly.
If you feel that making money is “hard”, then you will probably have a hard time attracting money too.
Some examples of people with high money frequencies set at the BILLIONS are…
“Jeff Bezos”
“Bill Gates”
“Mark Zuckerburg”
“Steve Jobs”
“Jack Ma”
Because their “Default state” is set at the billions, manifesting millions of dollars a day is a piece of cake for them.
Also, have you heard of people who struck the lottery or received hue amounts of inheritance only to find themselves losing everything after a couple of years? Some became worse off than before such money came into their lives!
Again, this has to do with their WEALTH FREQUENCY as well.
See, after exactly 28 weeks of intensive research I have discovered that there are specifically 6-key areas that will determine your wealth frequency.
If you work on these 6 areas, you will find yourself attracting bigger and bigger sums of money like clockwork.
People tend to listen to the advice of the others around them when it comes to handling their money.
While some of these advice work, it simply does not allow you to maximise your potential.
At best, such advice are often hit or miss, and you can make costly mistakes if you adopt the wrong advice.
After all, what are the chances that the average person gets to hang out with multi-millionaires daily?
You may even try to emulate millionaires based on either their actions, or the words that they say.
Which most people try to “model” after…
It might work, well… to a certain extent.
But most millionaires and wealthy people behave a certain way because of their belief systems.
Without understanding their beliefs and how it may apply to your own situation, you will only enjoy short lived success that will NEVER be sustainable.
Worst, it will take you years or even decades of experimentation to figure out how to consistently attract and keep huge amounts of wealth in your life.

I definitely don’t want you to go through that!
That’s why I have devoted several months of my time, money and energy to craft and PERFECT these game-changers that have been proven to create long lasting results in the shortest time possible.
I call it Astral Manifestation ASCENSION. (AMA)
Astral Manifestation Ascension is a very powerful set of tools that allows you to PERMANENTLY recode the 6-key areas when it comes to attracting money, wealth and success.
If there were a vehicle to describe it?
It would be a ROCKET.
The way you think, see and feel about money and success will be similar to that of wealthy and success people.
You’ll no longer associate money with stress, worries and anxieties.
You’ll begin to experience attracting money with a lot lesser effort.
Some of our happy customers wrote these!
“In my entire life, I have never manifested more than $10,000 in a single month and last month, I managed to make $15,000 from my freelance work.
Astral Manifestation Ascension changed my life!
- Johnny Brown"
“I never really had problems making money.
My problem is always about keeping it.
Often times I find myself ending up with nothing in my bank account, but for some reason after using AMA, I no longer have the urge to spend on unnecessary stuff.
It always feels good to have cash on hand, knowing that I have more than enough at all times.
- Lilian Alba”
Like I said, Astral Manifestation Ascension is an add-on and it requires NO extra effort on your part!
Best of all, you don’t need to have any special financial knowledge or certifications for it to work for you. - Anyone can do it!
Just use it together with Astral Manifestation once a day and it will instantly help you to increase your “money default state" without fail.
So you can easily attract 5 times, 10 times ,20 times or MORE money even when you sleep!
And that's exactly what it's going to do for you.
Just imagine…
That making money will no longer be “hard”.
That money issues will never be a hindrance in your life.
And choosing your next vacation will no longer be restricted to how little money you have left in your savings.
These will soon be distant past.
As your new reality of money, wealth and success awaits you in Astral Manifestation Ascension.
Remember I was saying that I have special bonuses prepared for you?
See, before I quit my job, I was looking for ways to make a side-income without having too spend too much time.
I came across this program that teaches me how to generate a full-time income from the internet.
Since then, it has given me the time freedom and financial strength to quit my job and spend more time with my family.
As a bonus for you when you upgrade to Astral Manifestation ASCENSION, you will get the exact same Empowered Profits System which is worth $239 for FREE.

I have ANOTHER bonus waiting for you.
It is called The Astral Wealth Archives.
This product will soon be on the shelves for $197.
But I want to give it to you for free as part of the upgrade.
That’s how serious I am when it comes to your success.
In this archive, you’ll be receiving 2 of my all time favourite books when it comes to manifesting money and wealth.
This has helped me a lot in my journey and I know it will do the same for you.
The most powerful part of The Astral Wealth Archives, is the Astral Tome.
Have you heard of this old saying, “What you focus on expands?”
The Astral Tome is your personal journal to document your blessings.
The more you bring your mind to focus on your successful manifestations, the more you will attract similar or bigger events into your life.
It will be your manifestation companion throughout your journey!
You can even download it into your phone or tablet and use it whenever a manifestation happens!
Think about it.
Imagine looking back at all the accomplishments and manifestations that you have achieved a year from now.
Knowing that your life has completely changed because you took the very first step.
And this is just the beginning!
Everything that I mentioned before will be yours when you take action today!
I know what you’re thinking.
How much does it cost for you to upgrade?
By now you’ve realized that I can easily charge thousands of dollars just like the “conventional market rates."
But because I truly admire your commitment and courage to change your life, I want to give you the Astral Manifestation Ascension upgrade at a very special price.
For just a one-time investment of $97 right now, you will get all the 6 life-changing tracks PLUS the 2 special bonuses of $436 for FREE!
Only for today!
If you close this page, it will be gone FOREVER.
So go ahead and click on the button below to upgrade now.
No more long and boring counselling sessions about money…
No more spending thousands of dollars with 'financial planners' or ‘gurus'.
Lastly, no more sleepless nights where you are constantly bombarded with thoughts about your money problems.
Oh yes.
Not forgetting to mention that in the rare and unlikely scenario where you feel that Astral Manifestation Ascension didn't work for you, you can always send me an email and I will issue you a refund.
No questions asked.
You are fully-covered by my 60-day money back guarantee and like I said, if it doesn’t deliver value to you, I don’t want your money.
I seriously want you to get the most out of it.
And I want you to have this powerful set of tools in your life, worry-free!
So if you are ready to upgrade to Astral Manifestation Ascension and attract two times…
Three times…
Five times…
Or even 15 times more money into your life.
In just a fraction of the time it normally takes,
Supercharge your success journey by clicking on the button below right now and get ready to live the life your heart has been yearning for!
This can ALL BE YOURS if you CLICK on the button below right now!
I look forward to your success story.
Your friend,
Nathan Moore